Just Facts: Racial Inequities in Police Stops
Just Facts: Racial Health and Wealth Gaps Coincide with Leftism, Not Racism
Just Facts: Black Poverty is Associated with Leftism, not Racism
Just Facts: Black Educational Problems Are Associated with Leftism, Not Funding
Memorial Day Reflection: Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 26 April 1777
"Posterity! You will never know, how much it cost the present Generation, to preserve your Freedom! I hope you will make a good Use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven, that I ever took half the Pains to preserve it."
Read more“There are dishonest people in any business. Boxing, automobiles, journalism. A good leader weeds them out, not just for the customers, but for the industry as a whole. I think of the dedicated reporters and producers who miss special family moments when news breaks, or wide-eyed interns inspired by “All the President’s Men.” Hoaxes, sloppiness and partisan hitjobs damage them, too. For this reason, calling the “fake news” elements in media the “enemy of the people” always left me queasy. I’d think of the many fine journalists I worked with who get lumped in with the fakes by people uninterested in distinctions. (Certainly I heard this when I worked at Fox.) If you’ve ever had collective guilt applied to your religion, region, race or career, you know the feeling.”
Dean Karayanis in an editorial for The Washington Times
"There are dishonest people in any business. Boxing, automobiles, journalism. A good leader weeds them out, not just for the customers, but for the industry as a whole. I think of the dedicated reporters and producers who miss special family moments when news breaks,...
Happy Birthday, Minerva
Now and then a little thing here and there appears in life that a dear friend once described as “a God winking at me gift.” A thing perhaps you know you want but for which you haven’t the time to dwell upon, or the focus to pray. But God notices anyway and cares...
Read more“The best metaphor I know is that of a flower blooming — of nature’s Epiphany — an image I know Caryll Houselander was fond of. I think it was Houselander who said, “Whatever is loving in man and whatever is lovable in man is Christ in man.” I take this to mean that the more love and the less lust in us, the more we cease to obscure Christ and instead reveal Him, in whose image we are made.
I don’t mean to suggest it’s been easy, just simple: Our Lord endured worse than any of us and promised us that we have to take up a heavy cross each day.”
Milo Yiannopoulos on repentance in an interview with LifeSiteNews
“The best metaphor I know is that of a flower blooming — of nature’s Epiphany — an image I know Caryll Houselander was fond of. I think it was Houselander who said, “Whatever is loving in man and whatever is lovable in man is Christ in man.” I take this to mean that...
Just Facts: The School Funding Inequity Farce
2020 Year’s End
At this time, many are bidding 2020 good riddance. Perhaps partly because of my chronic desire to break from pop cultural majorities, and mostly because of blessing, I don't have nearly as strong feelings about the year as do many others. I do have strong convictions...