Hopeful Farm Foundation

“Walter Farley, author of the beloved Black Stallion Series, once wrote,

“Imagination can help you reach into the heavens to grasp an idea, bring it down to earth, and make it work.”

The Hopeful Farm Foundation is the product of such vision, the realization of a passion for the hearts of families impacted by special needs. These families tackle the daily pressures of life while dealing with circumstances beyond comprehension. They rise above and beat the odds in spite of social rejection, financial hardships, and medical challenges. They are resilient, and admirably strong.

But even the strongest people need a chance to break away from this hectic world, to find rest, refreshment, and a change of pace apart from the daily grind.

That is what Hopeful Farm is all about.

Here, families are met with acceptance and understanding in an accessible environment designed to affirm self-worth and foster family values. Exciting camp activities such as horsemanship, nature study, hiking, and fishing are enhanced by inspiring resources and peaceful evening sessions. Relationships are strengthened, rejuvenated. Memories are made to last a lifetime. Hope is renewed.”

Please help support this wonderful ministry!  Their website is hosting a benefit to help raise money for the new farm.  Check out the great resources for homeschooling, art, mothers, daughters and more at: www.hopefulfarmfoundation.org/benefit.htm

I hope you will enjoy my mother’s e-book, Nurturing The Generations: A Mother’s Primer For Establishing The Legacy Of A Healthy Family and my e-book, Keeping The Family Flock: A Primer On Keeping Chickens, both of which are available at the Hopeful Farm Foundation benefit.

You have until October 5th to shop at the benefit, so spread the word!


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