…When the Evangelical Christian Conservatives sided with the Socialist Liberals. I am in deep anguish to see it. There are so many other things I want to write about and yet I cannot shake the dire straits of this Election from my mind. I think I might be aging quickly because of this.
Why, why why? Can not anyone see that this is a trap? A mousetrap baited with self-righteous principle to lure us away from responsibility and thus let the devil’s choice candidate waltz into power. Open your eyes, my friends and allies. Do you really think I would write something like that if I did not sense an ominous threat?
Satan is an expert at these sorts of things…first he exalts a disciple of his philosophies, then he smears the credibility of the only viable good candidate left that stands between him and his victory.
If you can’t vote for McCain in good conscience, then at least assure me that you are praying hard that the LORD’s will shall be victorious in this election…and I’m certain the ultra-socialist-pro-choice-Alinsky-liberal is not HIS will.
Of course, my mother explains the dilemma much better and more maturely than I am capable of at this moment.
“Oh I understand all the arguments and vote-your-conscience pleas, but what I do not understand is the arrogance, judgementalism, anger and self-righteous tongue-wagging that I have witnessed in the last few days. I hear out of the mouths of liberal reporters (who make no effort to hide their bias), all of a sudden this “concern” they have of a mother of 5 children, one of whom has Down’s Syndrome, and one who is pregnant out of wedlock…how can she possibly have a role in government and mother her children at the same time? What is she doing and who does she think she is and isn’t John McCain a fool for asking her?…
…And then many anti-feminists are condemning this woman and pointing fingers at her failures as a mother (you know, the pregnant daughter and trying to go to work after giving birth just three days prior, and “she’s not tending the hearth at her home”…) I tell you it feels like the crowd is gathering around and the stone piles are getting higher…and pretty soon the pelting will begin. Or maybe we will just burn her at stake….
….I say all of this because this is what I see plain as day. I am disgusted. I looked today at the Constitutional Party website and Ron Paul’s too, to see what the hype is over these people whom so many godly people have flocked to. The Constitutional Party platform is not all that different from the Republican Platform. They claim to be Federalists, but so is John McCain. Ron Paul has some good economic ideas, but he is not that far off from his own party’s platform, either, except that he is clearly a Protectionist, which would be fine if the world weren’t so dangerous. That is kind of like saying it was better before women could vote, which maybe it was, but it is never going back to that, so the godly women had better vote. People are still mad about the Iraq war, and the liberal media feeds that anger, and buddy, it sure works. Let me tell you something. The war has stirred up a spiritual hornet’s nest, but it had to happen. It had to happen because God ordained that it had to happen. Nobody likes it, especially the military families that are making the sacrifices. I am sure the children of Israel didn’t like it when they were involved in so many wars because they are expensive and people die. But I am telling you God has a purpose in it. Do not forget that. And do not fall for the bait when people demonize George W. Bush. He was the ruler that God used, like it or not…
…We need to be praying. If you are not specifically praying for Yahweh’s perfect will to be done, the Enemy might just sneak in and snatch the victory. The Enemy is already stirring people up to bite and devour one another and to quibble over foolish controversies and get totally distracted. I am begging for you all to pray. Get down on your knees and pray if only one minute. Pray for our sister in Christ, Sarah Palin. Even if you don’t like her or don’t think she is biblically qualified to serve in government, pray for her and her family, because of the love of Christ. Stop tearing her down. If God does not want her in office, be assured she won’t get there. But if He does, we need to pray for her and this nation and wake up and get serious about our responsibilities in a modern day federal republic.”
My deepest gratitude to those that sincerely pray along with us.