Are you heading for a train wreck? (Abigail took this photo of us playing with the wooden train at the Janney Furnace Park playground)
“All experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.” ~Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence (1776)

The beautiful people I hang out with during breaks from school and column writing (Elizabeth, age 8, and Rebecca, age 2)
This past summer I attended the Intercollegiate Studies Institute and Alabama Policy Institute’s summer seminar on America’s First Principles of Freedom. Brilliant Canadian student Amanda Achtman (who appeared along with me in Alexander Thompson’s “Young and Conservative” documentary) did a great write-up on the event: http://amandaaction.com/2012/07/26/what-do-we-seek-to-conserve/
“When a people are corrupted, the press may be made an engine to complete their ruin.” ~John Adams (1775)
The lovely Rachel Wilson was my roommate. Check out her blog at http://dixielanddreamin.blogspot.com/.
View more pictures from the ISI event in my Facebook album here.

Lindy Abbott, me, and my brother Joseph on Election Night. I knitted that scarf four years ago (photo by Abigail Read).
So much is changing so fast, and new strategies are in order. It appears that the near future holds a variety of projects I was not expecting. Perhaps some ideas that I thought would not be applicable until later on have now become infused with a new sense of urgency. We are a country of polarized worldviews that many citizens thereof do not even understand.
Remember this guy?
“The cause of truth is never hurt by unjust attacks and its citadel never reached by the devious ways of unworthy foes, but it is sometimes weakened by the unguided enthusiasms of its defenders.” ~Harvey Wiley
He was the subject of my first screenplay. There will be more to come.
Thank you for your work, Ms. Read. Please keep it up and best of luck on all your future endeavors.