John A. Yates, Ph.D., on a scholarly solution to Confederate statuary
by Amanda Read Sheik | Aug 17, 2017 | Journal | 0 comments
“Proposal for the Confederate statues lately removed from public display in New Orleans: Restore them to their places, but with modifications. At the statue to Robert E. Lee, erect a confronting statue of Ulysses Grant, memorializing his victories at Vicksburg (upriver from New Orleans) and at Appomattox. At the statue to Jefferson Davis, erect a statue of Abraham Lincoln cutting the chains off a slave. At the statue of P. G. T. Beauregard, erect a statue to Thurgood Marshall, who argued Brown v. Board of Education before the Supreme Court and later became a justice at that court. Also prominently by one of these statues erect a memorial to the four young black girls who integrated the N. O. schools in 1960. Putting the statues into a museum is inappropriate. Old Southern cities like New Orleans and Vicksburg and Savannah are in large part outdoor museums. Keeping the old statues and adding the new ones says, ‘Yes, this is our past. These men were not monsters, but they made monstrous mistakes, and we acknowledge their place in making us what we are. They are part of our history, and our history has turned a corner as indicated by the new statues. We repent of the old mistakes and hope to learn better.'”