I would like to take a moment to share with you some website projects I am preparing to launch. By the way, my blog is currently in the process of being moved to a different hosting server, so there’s a chance it could be down for a little while until the transfer is finalized.
Luke HistoriansThe Mission Behind Luke Historians

“Luke was a historian of the first rank…” – Sir William Ramsay

We will base our research and writings on the truth-seeking principles outlined by Luke, a follower and contemporary of JESUS CHRIST during the first coming, and author of the Gospel of Luke and the Book of the Acts of the Apostles.

“Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile an account of the things accomplished among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word, it seemed fitting for me as well, having investigated everything carefully from the beginning, to write it out for you in consecutive order, most excellent Theophilus; so that you may know the exact truth about the things you have been taught.”

– Luke 1:1-4
Our goals, therefore, are:

1. To compile accounts of things accomplished among us in our day and age, particularly the workings of members of the Body of CHRIST influencing various fields of mission locally and abroad (also including government, medical, science, film, music, literature, etc.).
2. To investigate and follow carefully from the beginning – that is, explore historical precedents, examine primary sources and contact eyewitnesses that offer insight into current events, and educate readers, viewers and listeners that might not otherwise have access to these materials.
3. To write out these findings in a consecutive, logical order and communicate them both efficiently and creatively; devote ourselves to the study of languages and cultures that will help us better understand and communicate as such (i.e., Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, Latin…and contemporary languages).
4. To (with prayer for anointing from the HOLY SPIRIT) present the intellectual case for the Faith and Hope that is in us (the Biblical Worldview – 1 Peter 3:15), so that other believers (and nonbelievers whose hearts and minds are open) may know the exact truth about the things they have been taught.
If you take interest in the Luke Historians mission and would like to share some of your writings, send an e-mail to lukehistorians@yahoo.com. You do not have to sign up to publish articles at any set time – just apply to syndicate them through the Luke Historians network.
The second one I’m mentioning is a bit more intensive (a database which happens to be down to the bare bones at the moment).

NJAOThe Mission Behind Not Just An Opinion (NJAO)

The idea is to develop an online fact-finding database that utilizes primary source documents.
Read the “What Is This?” page on the website to read more about my vision for it.
…Not Just An Opinion is an online database designed to help you find out the truth for yourself. For a variety of controversial topics taking place in the world wide media, NJAO will present an entry citing the major opinions regarding the subject side by side, and then present what is not just an opinion: the raw, un-tampered facts and evidence that is currently known…

Come to think of it…I might drop the idea of presenting the major opinions on the issues and events before hand because most everybody already knows what those are. I will just present speculations that summarize the buzz surrounding the issues, perhaps. The simpler and more to the point the better. I want NotJustAnOpinion.com to be the kind of website people can search something up on and actually uncover the facts instead of getting bogged down in what everyone thinks (also check out the page “How To Find Facts”). If you would like to share to some good sources, send an e-mail to notjustanopinion@yahoo.com. Visit www.notjustanopinion.stumbleupon.com to see some great links!

Do you have any ideas? Let me know what you think!

Take care and MAY GOD BLESS,


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