There are many fine Christians that have taken opposite sides in this Presidential Election. I have no desire to drive a wedge between myself and them because of politics, seeing that they may very well be right on other issues and valuable allies in the faith. However, there comes a time in some debates when cause and effect facts come into play and opinions and intentions no longer matter. I cannot bear the guilt of not issuing some sort of warning that certain applications of other voters’ “rightness” are very far off target when I have evidence to prove it. To illustrate how serious this Presidential Election is to me, I have decided to put my personal future on the line.
A few years ago Doug Phillips released a popular seminar on “How To Evaluate A Suitor” (I found that interesting when I first heard about it, considering that his eldest daughter and son are both quite a bit younger than me). Well, I believe I have found an extremely simple pass-or-fail exam for that evaluation.
I would never marry a man who refuses to vote for McCain-Palin in this Presidential Election.
Why? Because of the following sad deductions:
1. It reveals a fatal flaw in leadership and common sense judgment.
For all perfections and good intentions he might have, this makes the gentleman untrustworthy. It is a sign of blind surrender that is hidden under a cosmetic guise of principle. The devil has you right where he wants you: blind-folded, tied up with silly hang ups and in a tiny out-of-the-way corner in the national scene.
“And do not give the devil an opportunity.” – Ephesians 4:27
2. It reveals that he is more interested in himself, his personal desires, his appearance of “integrity” and theological “reputation” rather than the well being of his family and country.
“He who separates himself seeks his own desire, he quarrels against all sound wisdom. A fool does not delight in understanding, but only in revealing his own mind.” – Proverbs 18:1-2
Third-party voters are suffering from what I refer to as Candidate Loser Over Winner Narcissistic Syndrome (CLOWNS). The symptoms are an extreme irascible desire to see one’s own beautiful philosophical reflection in a Presidential candidate; which becomes a lust so overwhelming that they would rather vote for a loser over one that could conceivably be an actual winner. I would like to hope that most voters contemplating joining the CLOWNS vote are just misinformed and will change their minds before fully sinking to that level.
3. It reveals a profound disrespect for the office of President of the United States of America and the lives that were lost throughout the nation’s history to secure your right to vote through the unique Electorate system, as well as an ignorance of government.
“Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of GOD; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.” – Romans 13:2
Because of man’s sinful nature, government is YAHWEH’s idea, not man’s. We have a responsibility to ensure that we do everything in our power to uphold the unique structure of American government and not let it get taken over by Socialist doctrine. At this moment the only thing standing between the Obama-Biden Socialist doctrine is McCain-Palin.
The Third-party candidates aren’t even present in the debates this year, so they are essentially jokers in a deck of playing cards. The idea of an Independent film industry is wonderful, providing you have the money and skills to do it the right way. But the idea of an Independent political industry is absurd. Sorry, it just doesn’t work that way. As my father says,
“Political scientists say that for the Presidential system to work out (all things being equal), there must only be a two-party system. This is so in view of the fact that, unlike in Parliamentary where the Parliament is supreme, the President wields tremendous political power. He should be elected by the majority and not mere plurality.On another point, what the political scientists say is that an ideal situation that is fertile for the presidential system is a two party system in view of the fact that under the presidential set up the locus of political power lies in the office of the president. With a multi party system, he would have “enormous” difficulty passing administration bills because he has no political control of the members of the legislative department (having so many political parties with diverse party agenda). India is currently considering moving to a 2 party presidential system like the US because of the growing size of the population.”
The John Quincy Adams quote (“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.” ) only applies to the unique American 2-party Presidential Electorate system and is thus irrelevant to the CLOWNS vote. You must be hardworking and get to the top through the primaries in one of the two major parties to have any positive government influence. By the way, you might find it interesting to note that John Quincy Adams actually lost his second Presidential Election to Andrew Jackson. I wonder why…
Third-parties have always been damaging in the U.S. They only contribute to the adversary’s divide-and-conquer strategy against righteous leaders. Evidence of CLOWNS vote damage is apparent in history. Perhaps Theodore Roosevelt’s greatest political blunder was the Progressive Party, which split the Republican vote and put Democrat Woodrow Wilson in office (who introduced terrible economic baggage that we are still suffering from). Don’t forget about Ross Perot’s miserable contribution of dividing Republicans and getting Democrat Bill Clinton in office (need I say more?).
Why do I appear anti-Democrat and pro-Republican when some think them indistinguishable? Though there are a few exceptions in each party, liberals are the majority of the Democratic Party while conservatives are the majority of the Republican Party (speaking of, the Republican Party platform is no different from the Constitution Party platform, with the possible exception of the Constitution Party’s protectionist stance, which I, coming from a military family, understand to be unfounded and dangerous). On the record, the Democrats have caused the worst problems in American government while the Republicans’ worst flaw is in letting the Democrats get away with it at times. However, allowing a liberal Democrat President to get in office now will not make things better nor “teach anyone a lesson”.
4. It reveals the flimsy character of a sore loser who refuses to continue servanthood because his chosen candidate didn’t win the primary.
Most football coaches are more gracious than that. Being a gracious loser comes from having the humility to realize that your loss was a fault of your own strategy, not a fault of the system and rule books. Holding up a whiny attitude is not classy and extremely unbecoming. The very action conjures up images of a pouty little child stamping off saying, “I don’t like this game anymore. I’m going to go play by myself…” This is exactly what the CLOWNS vote has done.
Then CLOWNS have the gall to play sour grapes and smear John McCain’s record in ways contrary to fact (even stooping so low as to call him “the lesser of two evils”), as if it is OK to call a professing Christian “evil.” How judgmental. How silly. It is worth pondering, I might add, the amazing grace shown this man, and the depth of character and substance of soul he displayed in enduring being tortured in a prison camp for five years. People possessing the gall to sling reckless terms like “evil” at John McCain really would be better served by silencing themselves, or perhaps using the term rather to describe liberal political ideals such as abortion and same-sex marriage or maybe terrorist activities.
“A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who tells lies will not escape.” – Proverbs 19:5
“A worthless man digs up evil, while his words are like scorching fire.” – Proverbs 16:27
If I were a recently arriving immigrant to this country, I would conclude from observable evidence that the CLOWNS and the liberals both do not think very highly of their country, or have somewhere been misinformed of how truly good they have it in the U.S.A. As a naturally born American and as a Christian, I actually am nearly convinced that many hate this country because it isn’t the utopia that liberal intellectuals dreamed of after the French Enlightenment.
Surprised at my conclusion? Well, explain this: CLOWNS talk about how wonderful America once was and how wonderful they hope it will be through their own power, but right now they are willing to condemn the only Constitutionally valid Conservative Party that is holding it together – The Republican Party – because some how that party is beneath them and deserves their rejection. They even bash George W. Bush like he is a criminal. I have invested so many prayers in President Bush since I was a 10 year old child that it deeply hurts me to hear people condemn him. They have lost all ability to respectfully and constructively criticize – so much so that they have organized the CLOWNS vote out of protest. There is nothing Biblical about that, so it is thus something entirely built up out of extreme confidence in their own human reason, which is a pattern of thinking that came out of the “Enlightenment”.
If I have misspoken here, then somebody prove it. Prove to me that America is some sort of failing country destined to be a fascist global regime (can anyone spell B-O-G-U-S?). Prove to me that voting third party is truly a responsible, politically sound avenue to bringing about godliness in this nation. Prove to me that you honor the ONE TRUE GOD, YAHWEH who commands you to “Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God” (Micah 6:8) and HIS decision to place you in this nation at this time in history. Bring forth your arguments, and let us see who has more facts in their favor.
5. It reveals a shirking of and misunderstanding of Biblical responsibility and authority.
This one especially addresses men that have ridiculed Sarah Palin. I have heard some say that they think that Christians voting for McCain-Palin will win an election but “lose a culture war” because we would have a woman Vice President. Lose a CULTURE WAR???? I’ll tell you how to lose a culture war! Allow the most liberal, socialist, pro-choice, naïve man in the Senate (Barack Hussein Obama II) into the most powerful office in America and you’ve sold your nation’s soul to the devil in one fell swoop, Mister!
The CLOWNS vote may have a familiar knowledge of the way the American government could have functioned ideally 200 years ago, but the time has come to get your heads out of the clouds and see reality. WHETHER OR NOT SARAH PALIN IS VICE PRESIDENT WILL MAKE NO DIFFERENCE REGARDING WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP POSITIONS. She would still end up returning to her position as Governor of Alaska anyway. Ultimately, while the rest of us are voting on principle and values, you are voting on sex, and that is completely ridiculous. This is significant coming from me, since I am a lady against feminism. However, I think feminism is the liberal-socialist-Marxist misogynist movement that abuses the womanly nature, and Sarah Palin has not appealed to that movement at all. In fact, feminists hate her! Rather than appeal to that crowd, she is filling a governmental void. How do you think she got to such a high rank in Alaska in the first place? There was a void made by principled men avoiding public duty. I have heard stay-at-home mothers say that they wouldn’t even want their husbands to be VP. Well, there you have it. The “good men” sit around coaching from the bleachers, causing more unruly argument than anything else, yet they think a woman stepping up in place of them is such a travesty. “Good men” better not say anything against a godly woman public servant unless they themselves will serve.
Like it or not, women are not a minority, but rather the majority of the population and thus the majority of the vote – at least 51% of the Electorate in fact – and last year a figure said that 9 (18%) of the 50 State Governors are women and 11 (22%) of the Lt. Governors are women. Rightfully or wrongfully, you’re stuck with it. Women’s status in government will not change overnight or be somehow protected in any way if McCain-Palin lose or win. The role of women in politics can only be influenced generationally, not via contemporary administrating. Do you think that Sarah Palin is promoting a false “women-can-do-it-all” image? In your dreams! Whatever happened to THROUGH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE? Remember that very few people could hold such a high office as Governor of a State. A person has to be called to be a leader in that way, and fortunately there are people called by God to serve in such a way.
The Biblical account of Deborah is no excuse for feminism, but rather is an explanation that sometimes when the car swerves off the lane, you shouldn’t be surprised if a woman happens to grab the wheel. It further indicates that when a woman does grab the wheel, she is not sinning. A woman in a political leadership position is not a sin. It is a result of the failure of men leaders. In this case, men can rightly blame themselves. Things were going very badly in Israel when the glory of saving the nation was put into the hands of women (Deborah and Jael). Wouldn’t you agree that things are going very badly in the United States of America, largely because liberal politicians wield way too much power, and have for too many decades now, and no godly men have tried or been able to stop them? May we ask why this is? The New Testament also chronicles powerful women and their influence:
“And some of them were persuaded and joined Paul and Silas, along with a large number of the GOD-fearing Greeks and a number of the leading women.” – Acts 17:4
“Now [Philip the evangelist] had four virgin daughters who were prophetesses.” – Acts 21:9
We have the opportunity to prepare great men leaders for future generations of political power so that the Conservative women won’t have to step up to bat in their stead, but until then, be gracious. If you have a bone to pick with women leaders, Nancy Pelosi should be your target. She’s the grueling leader of the “monstrous regiment” that people keep heralding, not Sarah Palin.
Sarah Palin is not your wife or daughter, and thus you have no authority to judge her personal decisions. As a voter you may judge her ideology, World View and political decisions, but not personal ones. Phony personal judgments undeniably entered into this Presidential Election; i.e., the comments regarding her eldest daughter. On this train of thought, Bristol Palin is neither your daughter nor your betrothed, so you have no authority to judge her life either. I am not saying that immoral decisions should be accepted as OK or repeated – no, not at all. But you must remember where your authority lies regarding the judgment of someone else’s personal life. It isn’t our job to condemn souls.
6. It reveals a Spiritual and mental weakness of discernment in the fields of political judgment and investing time and money; naivete regarding world events; along with an idle ego.
A Third-party candidate may be wonderful in his own way, but if he is bearing no political and governmental fruit, what value is he as a leader and why do you waste your time supporting him? That is idleness and wasteful spending. Furthermore, it is damaging to the results of the Presidential Election. You know that your vote bears weight, and a CLOWNS vote will only benefit Obama/Biden. You and your agenda will be forgotten about and you will gradually become irrelevant. Once again, that’s exactly what the enemy wants to happen to you, and you are letting him have his way.
“And do not give the devil an opportunity.” – Ephesians 4:27
A President must be selected based on his political fruit. Senator John McCain has showed positive political fruit. He is pro-life and he is a Constitutionalist. CLOWNS vote candidates have displayed very little – if any – positive political fruit (and the same can be said about the Liberal Democrat opponents). The CLOWNS vote is idle, and idleness is the devil’s workshop. The CLOWNS vote has done as little work as possible to avoid “tainting” themselves and have thus attempted to prove by a meager wink and a promise that they are the ones for the job. The jib-jab type satirical ads mocking Bush, Clinton, McCain and Obama on The Constitution Party candidates’ website are very unprofessional and unpresidential for serious Presidential and Vice Presidential contenders to flaunt, which further exposes their illegitimacy. They claim to be like one of the Founding Fathers running for President and boast about having no flip-flopping record (*ahem* they barely have any – if they do have any – political record at all). That is even worse than the windy naïve Obama! Now that’s something to be very embarrassed about. Be ashamed. Be very ashamed.
“In all labor there is profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.” – Proverbs 14:23
“The naïve believes everything, but the sensible man considers his steps.” – Proverbs 14:15
The CLOWNS are obviously just as confused as the Socialists. They do not understand the high stakes of appointing Supreme Court Justices (need I remind you that they are appointed for life?). They do not understand the high stakes of the Economy and the cause of the financial crisis. They do not understand the high stakes of the War on Terrorism and the enemies that have their hearts and minds set on slaughtering us…and how jubilant they would be to see a Socialist President of the United States of America.
The idea of keeping yourself untainted by avoiding voting for McCain-Palin is akin to the following parable written by my mother:
“Folks, this is like knowing that a murder or robbery is going to take place, and instead of calling the police to stop it, you go to your church and start a petition all agreeing that it is a bad thing to murder or rob a bank, and coming back a week later to present your petition from the godly people condemning murder and robbery to the community, after the death and destruction has taken place. You take the “high road” without getting your hands dirty because you didn’t want to get involved in the process that could have stopped the evil deeds. And thus, the mis-directed action results in more evil abounding.”
“There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” – Proverbs 14:12
Ultimately, while the rest of us are voting on principle, CLOWNS are voting on liberal propaganda (“John McCain did…blahblahblah!”). While the rest of us are voting on values, CLOWNS are voting on sex (“Sarah Palin is blasphemous!”). While the rest of us are voting on common sense, CLOWNS are voting on conspiracy (“Republicans and Democrats want to take over the world! We’re all gonna die!”). CLOWNS may very well be doing it with hearty intentions out of conscience and in faith, but to actually accomplish anything, you need to get a reality check and vote sensibly.
So now we must answer honestly: Regardless of which candidate you will vote for, which candidate do you want to see as your President for the next four years – McCain or Obama? The result will only be one or the other of those two. Now, CLOWNS, since you still have time to influence who that President will be, toss aside your self-righteousness, your idle ego, and all things silly. Find some real principles to vote on!
Prayers for the nation and the world,
Wow, you’ve got strict standards. Just kidding. 😉 I would have to agree with you.
And I also agree, If you aren’t going to vote you are a CLOWN in the fullest meaning of the word and the acronym.
Got to run,
I am probably not the sort of person who normally reads your blog. I am definitely not your target audience: I am Jewish, male, and a liberal Democrat. I only encountered your blog as a result of a search for homeschooling blogs I am conducting for work.
However, you seem like a principled person, and I think you stated your points in the above post quite clearly (although I disagree with many of them), so I’ve decided to plunge in and deliver my two cents. What have I got to lose? That’s the beauty of the internet.
There was a time when John McCain had my respect. He probably wouldn’t have had my vote, but I could look forward to living in a country presided over by him with only mild trepidation and possibly a little hope. However, he lost my respect when he abruptly changed course on torture.
For a long time, John McCain had a history of opposing torture, citing his experience as a prisoner of war and his own torture at the hands of the North Koreans. As you may know, his slightly odd posture and stiff arm movements are a result of frequent beatings that permanently harmed the bones and muscles of his upper back. However, starting in 2005, John McCain began to change his mind.
First, he folded in negotiations with President Bush, claiming to have forced the president to agree to a bill that banned the use of torture, though it became apparent in the President’s signing statement that it did no such thing. Then, his stance against torture collapsed further in 2006 when he supported the Military Commissions Act, which allowed the government to suspend habeus corpus and violate the Geneva Conventions at will, permitted the use of torture techniques like waterboarding and allowed evidence gained by torture to be used against a torture victim in military court, and protects the government from legal challenge by anyone deemed an enemy combatant. All together, this means that anyone judged an enemy combatant could be imprisoned indefinitely with no legal recourse, tortured, and then the evidence of that torture admitted at the trial that could condemn them.
And worst of all, despite this and other similar bills passed with John McCain’s support, he continued to publicly claim that he is an opponent of torture.
Now, I am not a Christian and I am unfamiliar with the Christian Bible, so as far as I know there are verses you find spiritually significant that, for you, counteract the verses I am about to quote. In the Hebrew Bible, we are commanded to:
Resist the temptation to do evil in the name of warfare (Deuteronomy 23:10 exhorts soldiers to be on guard against evil).
Behave in an unnecessarily harsh manner towards enemies (Deuteronomy 20:10 and the following verses limit what can be done in warfare, including prohibiting starving an enemy out, cutting off an enemy’s avenue of retreat, or destroying fruit trees, even when it is tactically expedient to do so).
Remember a person’s humanity even when he must be physically punished (Deuteronomy 25:3 limits the number of lashes a person receive as punishment).
I don’t expect that my comments are going to cause you to suddenly decide to vote for Barack Obama. After all, many issues are at stake in this election, including the economy, abortion, civil unions for homosexuals, and the general character of the administration for the next four years. However, I am curious as to what your response is.
You, and anyone else who reads this and has something to say to me, can feel free to email me at electricpaladin (at) yahoo (dot) com. I always welcome opportunities to engage in conversations.
– Mark
Very well written. I don’t know that I take quite the positive view that you do of McCain but I leaning toward voting for him anyway. has some good articles about this lately.
And by the way I would be careful about strongly stating that you would never marry a man who voted third party. You could eat those words someday.
Hi Amanda! I don’t have a blog myself, but I enjoy reading yours. I am a 17 year old homeschooled senior who also supports Mccain-Palin; though I do not have such strong feelings for McCain, I do for Sarah Palin. Bravo to you for your post! We need more people like you in the next generation.
Blessings, Sarah
What an incredible article!!! Very well worded, Amanda! I love it and have already passed it on to others.
My sister showed me your blog and after reading this post I was completely blown away! This post put into words my thoughts exactly! So glad to see that there are other Christian homeschoolers out there that see the wisdom of voting for McCain/Palin.
Bravo and God bless!
In Christ Alone,
Jessica McDonald
Hello Amanda,
Thank you so much for such a beautifully written blog post. You are an unbelievably creative and truthful writer! I so look forward to reading your future books and listening to you speak forth truth on O’Reily and Hannity. You are a Deborah of this time, a godly female leader of her generation. God is going to use your submitted heart and well-trained mind to bring glory to Him. Continue in what you are already doing. Amanda, you are already educated at a College Gratuate level. You should recieve an honorary degree. Listen to God and find out what He wants you to do. He may just have you start off as a writer and speaker without having you waste your time in college classes. Most people go to college to get proof that they are educated, committed, responsible and capable of being teachable. You already possess all of these qualities. Your words are your degree. Press in to God and find your course that is already written on His heart for you.
It is a great joy to know you, watch you grow, and get to follow your life. To God Be The Glory, Love, Lindy
Amanda, our family read your article together. I disagree with the other comments. This is poorly written. Your point about third parties can be made effectively but your article fails to do that. I suggest:
a) Do not overgeneralize. You use many universal terms, assuming all who disagree with you would do it only for the specific reasons you list.
b) Don’t refer to those who disagree with you as CLOWNS, if you hope to gain a hearing
c) Your article has logical fallacies – circular reasoning in part 1, equivocation in part 3, hasty/sweeping generalization throughout
d) Study national election/political party history from 1800-1860. Did you know the Republican party was once a “third” party?
I know you can do better. I expect better from the Christian homeschooling community and I am surprised to see unconditional praise for your article from others who I thought would know better.
There are many other points I could raise about your article but will leave it at this. If you’d like to see thoughtful, courteous discussion of this issue, I recommend this article+comments on Doug Wilson’s blog
I had never heard of you until about two weeks ago, when this now-famous article began to make the rounds of our church e-mail list. To be quite honest, I was shocked! I am a full time college student, in the middle of a rather difficult semester, but I decided to write a reply. This will be posted on my blog ( hopefully tomorrow. I think that you have a few good points, but you need to tone your language down, and realize that you are really insulting anyone who does not believe the same way you do. There are many conscientious Christians that would not vote for McCain. I myself am one of them. Feel free to e-mail me any feedback, or leave a comment on my blog. Also, if you could explain what you mean by “The Constitution Party’s Protectionist stance” I would be much obliged.
I’m not sure why, but the grey highlight I put around the sections that you wrote are not showing up when I import it into the comment box. I apologize, but you know what you wrote!
Again, I’d appreciate your feedback.
After my post endorsing Chuck Baldwin for President, I have had quite a few comments, both pro- and anti- Third Party. At first, it looked like I would just have to write a post on the inherent problems associated with fiat currency, but then was promptly, as a friend of mine texted me, “slapped in the face”! I now plan to make two blog posts, one dealing with Third Party voting, and a now famous article some people in my church found and quoted from in one of the comments, and the other dealing with the biblical and common-sense problems surrounding fiat currency and the Federal Reserve. I will note that I am a full time college student, and work part time, so I do not have the time that I would like to devote to getting these up quickly.
This article amazed me in its blatant disrespect and rudeness. There are many other ways to get your message across other than calling others’ Christianity into question, as well as the myriad of other insults bandied in the body of the paper. It’s funny that one of the writer’s major points is that we cannot judge a candidates personal decisions, when in the course of the paper she describes those that would vote against him as ignorant, spiritually weak, disrespectful, and shirking their Biblical duties…
I will also note to those that disagree with me, that my purpose in writing this is not necessarily to convince you that I am right. The purpose for writing this is twofold: To point out the obvious and hidden fallacies contained in the following article, and to lay out my reasoning behind both voting Third-party, and supporting others who do. I do believe that the decision on who to vote for is a personal decision, to be prayed and studied, and that it is not necessarily wrong to vote for McCain. It would be wrong for me to vote for McCain, as after much prayer, research and meditation, I have decided that God would want me to vote Constitution Party. (Note that this is somewhat irrelevant, as I will not be able to vote this year anyway!)
As a future Third-party voter, I will attempt to lay out my rationale so that ya’lls can see the way I approach this important decision. In the Bible, it is clearly laid out that we should do the right thing (obeying God), no matter what the cost (1 Peter 2:19-21, among others). After much prayer, meditation, and research, I have come to the conclusion that John McCain is unworthy of my support for the office of President. There are many factors that go into this decision, many of which I speak on in the comments to the following article, but what it comes down to, for me, in the end, is that I believe that we serve an awesome God, and that he can do anything! I believe that God wants me to choose the candidate that best exemplifies Christ, and I trust in Him to do the rest!
John McCain’s political career has been inconsistent, to say the least. He has been a major compromiser during his political career, many times “bridging the gap” between Democrats and Republicans. During his long political career, he has done many things that I would consider to be unChristian and evil. He has:
· Voted to confirm blatantly liberal Supreme Court Justices Steven Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsburg
· Voted to confirm so-called “conservative” Justice David Souter, who has expressed irritation at being asked to vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade.
· Voted AGAINST Ron Paul’s Sanctity of Life act, which defines the human life as from conception onward.
· Voted FOR the bills that allowed stem cell research using human embryos (babies) that are “left over” from fertility treatments.
· Was one of the principle leaders in trying to change the Republican Party’s stance on abortion, saying that abortion should be allowed in cases of rape, incest, and danger to the mother.
· Has supported the use of torture against prisoners.
James 1:8: “A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.”
Let’s just look at a couple of the above points a little more in-depth. John McCain refused TWICE to support the Sanctity of Life bill. This was a very simple bill, short and to the point. It defined life as sacred, and from the time of conception onward. This is the ultimate litmus test. If John McCain really is a Christian, why didn’t he support this bill? If John McCain really was pro-life, he would have supported this bill. I cannot take his campaign statements at face value when he has a horrendous political career behind him. Should we just believe everything he says now, when he is losing ground to Obama and desperate for votes? I think not.
He also said, in response to being asked why he supported liberal Supreme Court Justices Breyer and Ginsburg, he said that it is wrong to impose a litmus test when voting for a Justice. I would disagree. That is why you are elected a Senator. You need to stand up for what is right, and impose litmus tests such as; “Does this person believe that abortion is wrong?”, and “Is this person going to uphold the Law of God while in office?” The answer to these, in respect to Justices Breyer and Ginsburg, is a very easy to answer, straightforward NO!
I will also note that another factor in my writing against McCain is his platform on continuing the Iraq war. I am personally against the Iraq war in general, but would like to make it clear that if a young man feels that God has called him into the Armed Forces, especially guys in my church that have been so called and that I personally know very well, who am I to judge them, especially at the ripe old age of 17 (and 9 months)? If you truly believe that you have been called by God to serve, and bring the Gospel into the Armed Forces, Godspeed to you, and may God bless you with safety, strength, and guidance.
The article is named “The Suitor Evaluation”, and I most heartily do not agree with nearly all of the points outlined. The author raises a few interesting points, but overall, the writing style is so rude that it really does nothing to convince me that she is right. The link is, for those of you that would like to read it without my comments interspersed.
“The Suitor Evaluation
There are many fine Christians that have taken opposite sides in this Presidential Election. I have no desire to drive a wedge between myself and them because of politics, seeing that they may very well be right on other issues and valuable allies in the faith. However, there comes a time in some debates when cause and effect facts come into play and opinions and intentions no longer matter. I cannot bear the guilt of not issuing some sort of warning that certain applications of other voters’ “rightness” are very far off target when I have evidence to prove it.”
In other words, “You are all ignorant, and I will enlighten you”
To illustrate how serious this Presidential Election is to me, I have decided to put my personal future on the line.
A few years ago Doug Phillips released a popular seminar on “How To Evaluate A Suitor” (I found that interesting when I first heard about it, considering that his eldest daughter and son are both quite a bit younger than me). Well, I believe I have found an extremely simple pass-or-fail exam for that evaluation.
I would never marry a man who refuses to vote for McCain-Palin in this Presidential Election.
Wow, at this point you just said that most of the fathers at my church are unfit to marry.
Why? Because of the following sad deductions:
1. It reveals a fatal flaw in leadership and common sense judgment.
For all perfections and good intentions he might have, this makes the gentleman untrustworthy. It is a sign of blind surrender that is hidden under a cosmetic guise of principle. The devil has you right where he wants you: blind-folded, tied up with silly hang ups and in a tiny out-of-the-way corner in the national scene.
“And do not give the devil an opportunity.” – Ephesians 4:27
Not voting for McCain reveals a lack of common sense? The fathers at my church that are not voting for McCain don’t seem to be having problems. They are upright, honest Christian men, with well-established Christian families, and have studied through this issue prayerfully and thoughtfully.
2. It reveals that he is more interested in himself, his personal desires, his appearance of “integrity” and theological “reputation” rather than the well being of his family and country.
“He who separates himself seeks his own desire, he quarrels against all sound wisdom. A fool does not delight in understanding, but only in revealing his own mind.” – Proverbs 18:1-2
Third-party voters are suffering from what I refer to as Candidate Loser Over Winner Narcissistic Syndrome (CLOWNS). The symptoms are an extreme irascible desire to see one’s own beautiful philosophical reflection in a Presidential candidate; which becomes a lust so overwhelming that they would rather vote for a loser over one that could conceivably be an actual winner. I would like to hope that most voters contemplating joining the CLOWNS vote are just misinformed and will change their minds before fully sinking to that level.
This is the part that started to raise my blood pressure. Here is a great principle in action! Start by offending those people that you wish to convince you are right! Call them CLOWNS!
Most Third-party voters are those that have thoroughly researched the candidates, and believe that they are led by God to vote for whomever they choose. Saying that Third-party voters are the “Holier-than-thou Pharisee type” is just downright insulting and ignorant. I hope that this will become clearer as this paper progresses.
3. It reveals a profound disrespect for the office of President of the United States of America and the lives that were lost throughout the nation’s history to secure your right to vote through the unique Electorate system, as well as an ignorance of government.
So, now we are disrespectful and ignorant as well as CLOWNS?
“Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of GOD; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.” – Romans 13:2
I would make it clear here that Christians have a duty to obey God rather than man, in cases where the government directly contradicts the Word of God.
Because of man’s sinful nature, government is YAHWEH’s idea, not man’s. We have a responsibility to ensure that we do everything in our power to uphold the unique structure of American government and not let it get taken over by Socialist doctrine. At this moment the only thing standing between the Obama-Biden Socialist doctrine is McCain-Palin.
And Chuck Baldwin.
The Third-party candidates aren’t even present in the debates this year, so they are essentially jokers in a deck of playing cards. The idea of an Independent film industry is wonderful, providing you have the money and skills to do it the right way. But the idea of an Independent political industry is absurd. Sorry, it just doesn’t work that way. As my father says,
“Political scientists say that for the Presidential system to work out (all things being equal), there must only be a two-party system. This is so in view of the fact that, unlike in Parliamentary where the Parliament is supreme, the President wields tremendous political power. He should be elected by the majority and not mere plurality.
On another point, what the political scientists say is that an ideal situation that is fertile for the presidential system is a two party system in view of the fact that under the presidential set up the locus of political power lies in the office of the president. With a multi party system, he would have “enormous” difficulty passing administration bills because he has no political control of the members of the legislative department (having so many political parties with diverse party agenda). India is currently considering moving to a 2 party presidential system like the US because of the growing size of the population.”
Ok, no matter how the political system is set up, or how we think it will work the best, we still have a duty to obey God! How about this quote from the Declaration of Independence: “That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government….” I am NOT advocating a revolution, but I am advocating voting for the person best suited to uphold the Law of God, which appears to be the last thing on John McCain’s mind!
The John Quincy Adams quote (“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.” ) only applies to the unique American 2-party Presidential Electorate system and is thus irrelevant to the CLOWNS vote.
I’m really not sure how she came to this conclusion. It seems like a very straightforward quote, and I think that this girl is twisting this pretty massively. If anyone has another angle on this, let me know…
You must be hardworking and get to the top through the primaries in one of the two major parties to have any positive government influence. By the way, you might find it interesting to note that John Quincy Adams actually lost his second Presidential Election to Andrew Jackson. I wonder why…
Third-parties have always been damaging in the U.S. They only contribute to the adversary’s divide-and-conquer strategy against righteous leaders. Evidence of CLOWNS vote damage is apparent in history. Perhaps Theodore Roosevelt’s greatest political blunder was the Progressive Party, which split the Republican vote and put Democrat Woodrow Wilson in office (who introduced terrible economic baggage that we are still suffering from). Don’t forget about Ross Perot’s miserable contribution of dividing Republicans and getting Democrat Bill Clinton in office (need I say more?).
Ummm, the Republican Party began as a third party, and this girl doesn’t seem to have a problem voting for them now! Have faith in what God can do!
Why do I appear anti-Democrat and pro-Republican when some think them indistinguishable? Though there are a few exceptions in each party, liberals are the majority of the Democratic Party while conservatives are the majority of the Republican Party (speaking of, the Republican Party platform is no different from the Constitution Party platform, with the possible exception of the Constitution Party’s protectionist stance, which I, coming from a military family, understand to be unfounded and dangerous).
OK, I don’t think many people will disagree with me that the Constitution Party’s platform and the GOP’s platform are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! Even if they have similarities, the Republicans, with minor exceptions (Ron Paul) make no efforts to uphold the good things about their platform. I would also like someone to elaborate on this “protectionist stance”.
On the record, the Democrats have caused the worst problems in American government while the Republicans’ worst flaw is in letting the Democrats get away with it at times.
WHAT?!? I’d say the Republican’s have had lots worse flaws than that!!! Illegal wiretapping, lying about the so-called “War on Terror”, the Patriot Act, the increased funding to Planned Parenthood, torture of prisoners, need I go further??? These are things that happened in the last 8 years, with Republican (and professing Christian) President George W. Bush!
However, allowing a liberal Democrat President to get in office now will not make things better nor “teach anyone a lesson”.
This statement is downright wrong. Thanks to my good friend Ashton Bandy (who is studying Government and Public Policy at Patrick Henry College) for writing up a critique of this point, which follows: “If I want to make a statement in the political arena, I vote for a particular person. If I want to voice an opinion, I vote for a particular person. You can’t separate the points from one another. If I didn’t want to express an opinion or make a statement, then why vote? It’s like saying I voted for someone because…well…I don’t really know. A mechanical system, in other words. The beauty of being a republic is that we’re able to install officers through a system that enable its citizens to vote persons into office that they believe should be there. But why? The key word in the afore statement is “believe.” If we believe something, there is an explanation behind that belief. Under the above quote, you can’t explain why, because the support system is suddenly dashed away…” Thanks a lot for letting me use this, Ashton! You make several excellent points!
4. It reveals the flimsy character of a sore loser who refuses to continue servanthood because his chosen candidate didn’t win the primary.
Continuing with the insulting of the fathers at my church.
Most football coaches are more gracious than that. Being a gracious loser comes from having the humility to realize that your loss was a fault of your own strategy, not a fault of the system and rule books. Holding up a whiny attitude is not classy and extremely unbecoming. The very action conjures up images of a pouty little child stamping off saying, “I don’t like this game anymore. I’m going to go play by myself…” This is exactly what the CLOWNS vote has done.
Then CLOWNS have the gall to play sour grapes and smear John McCain’s record in ways contrary to fact (even stooping so low as to call him “the lesser of two evils”), as if it is OK to call a professing Christian “evil.” How judgemental. How silly. It is worth pondering, I might add, the amazing grace shown this man, and the depth of character and substance of soul he displayed in enduring being tortured in a prison camp for five years. People posessing the gall to sling reckless terms like “evil” at John McCain really would be better served by silencing themselves, or perhaps using the term rather to describe liberal political ideals such as abortion and same-sex marriage or maybe terrorist activities.
Considering that John McCain has voted yes to the Stem-Cell research bills that legalized the use of embryos (babies) that were left over from fertility treatments, and that he led the charge trying to get the GOP to change its stance on abortion to allowing abortions for rape, incest, and danger of the mother, I think we as Christians should stand up for what is evil, and can call John McCain evil without a problem. At this point I start to wonder if the writer has researched McCain’s voting history, or just taken everything that he has said at face value.
I will note that I do not want to get into the debate over abortion for the danger of the mother. I am sure that this is a very difficult decision, and I pray that I am never put into a position where I have to make that choice. However, the debate over abortion in cases of rape and incest depends on your view of the sovereignty of God. If you truly believe that God is completely sovereign over all things, then the argument against abortion in these cases becomes clear.
“A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who tells lies will not escape.” – Proverbs 19:5
“A worthless man digs up evil, while his words are like scorching fire.” – Proverbs 16:27
If I were a recently arriving immigrant to this country, I would conclude from observable evidence that the CLOWNS and the liberals both do not think very highly of their country, or have somewhere been misinformed of how truly good they have it in the U.S.A. As a naturally born American and as a Christian, I actually am nearly convinced that many hate this country because it isn’t the utopia that liberal intellectuals dreamed of after the French Englightenment.
Surprised at my conclusion? Well, explain this: CLOWNS talk about how wonderful America once was and how wonderful they hope it will be through their own power, but right now they are willing to condemn the only Constitutionally valid Conservative Party that is holding it together – The Republican Party – because some how that party is beneath them and deserves their rejection.
Uhh, the Republican Party, as a whole, is both sinful and rotten to the core. Not to say that Third-parties are not sinful, we are all sinners, but the Republican Party is sickening in its corruption. And why is it the only Constitutionally valid conservative party??? Last I checked, Third-parties weren’t unconstitutional, they were the right of the people.
They even bash George W. Bush like he is a criminal.
George W. Bush should have been impeached for lying to Congress and to the American people about Iraq, not to mention all the other things I mentioned above. He did not come to Justice Roy Moore’s defense, and as a professing “Christian”, why wouldn’t you? Should I name more? How about the border agents Ramos and Compean who are in jail for doing their jobs? He could pardon them, why doesn’t he?
I have invested so many prayers in President Bush since I was a 10 year old child that it deeply hurts me to hear people condemn him. They have lost all ability to respectfully and constructively criticize – so much so that they have organized the CLOWNS vote out of protest.
Umm, Third-parties were around long before President Bush.
There is nothing Biblical about that, so it is thus something entirely built up out of extreme confidence in their own human reason, which is a pattern of thinking that came out of the “Enlightenment”.
There is nothing Biblical about trying to support a truly Christian candidate to run the government?
If I have misspoken here, then somebody prove it. Prove to me that America is some sort of failing country destined to be a fascist global regime (can anyone spell B-O-G-U-S?). Prove to me that voting third party is truly a responsible, politically sound avenue to bringing about godliness in this nation.
It worked with the Republican Party, and I have faith that God can and will bring true Christianity to the government again.
Prove to me that you honor the ONE TRUE GOD, YAHWEH who commands you to “Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God” (Micah 6:8) and HIS decision to place you in this nation at this time in history. Bring forth your arguments, and let us see who has more facts in their favor.
See above for critique on this statement.
5. It reveals a shirking of and misunderstanding of Biblical responsibility and authority.
This one especially addresses men that have ridiculed Sarah Palin. I have heard some say that they think that Christians voting for McCain-Palin will win an election but “lose a culture war” because we would have a woman Vice President. Lose a CULTURE WAR???? I’ll tell you how to lose a culture war! Allow the most liberal, socialist, pro-choice, naïve man in the Senate (Barack Hussein Obama II) into the most powerful office in America and you’ve sold your nation’s soul to the devil in one fell swoop, Mister!
The CLOWNS vote may have a familiar knowledge of the way the American government could have functioned ideally 200 years ago, but the time has come to get your heads out of the clouds and see reality. WHETHER OR NOT SARAH PALIN IS VICE PRESIDENT WILL MAKE NO DIFFERENCE REGARDING WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP POSITIONS. She would still end up returning to her position as Governor of Alaska anyway. Ultimately, while the rest of us are voting on principle and values, you are voting on sex, and that is completely ridiculous. This is significant coming from me, since I am a lady against feminism. However, I think feminism is the liberal-socialist-Marxist misogynist movement that abuses the womanly nature, and Sarah Palin has not appealed to that movement at all. In fact, feminists hate her! Rather than appeal to that crowd, she is filling a governmental void. How do you think she got to such a high rank in Alaska in the first place? There was a void made by principled men avoiding public duty. I have heard stay-at-home mothers say that they wouldn’t even want their husbands to be VP. Well, there you have it. The “good men” sit around coaching from the bleachers, causing more unruly argument than anything else, yet they think a woman stepping up in place of them is such a travesty. “Good men” better not say anything against a godly woman public servant unless they themselves will serve.
Like it or not, women are not a minority, but rather the majority of the population and thus the majority of the vote – at least 51% of the Electorate in fact – and last year a figure said that 9 (18%) of the 50 State Governors are women and 11 (22%) of the Lt. Governors are women. Rightfully or wrongfully, you’re stuck with it. Women’s status in government will not change overnight or be somehow protected in any way if McCain-Palin lose or win. The role of women in politics can only be influenced generationally, not via contemporary administrating. Do you think that Sarah Palin is promoting a false “women-can-do-it-all” image? In your dreams! Whatever happened to THROUGH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE?
Exactly what I am asking!
Remember that very few people could hold such a high office as Governor of a State. A person has to be called to be a leader in that way, and fortunately there are people called by God to serve in such a way.
The Biblical account of Deborah is no excuse for feminism, but rather is an explanation that sometimes when the car swerves off the lane, you shouldn’t be surprised if a woman happens to grab the wheel. It further indicates that when a woman does grab the wheel, she is not sinning. A woman in a political leadership position is not a sin. It is a result of the failure of men leaders. In this case, men can rightly blame themselves. Things were going very badly in Israel when the glory of saving the nation was put into the hands of women (Deborah and Jael). Wouldn’t you agree that things are going very badly in the United States of America, largely because liberal politicians wield way too much power, and have for too many decades now, and no godly men have tried or been able to stop them?
Well, no wonder, you spend your time trashing the ones who are trying!
May we ask why this is? The New Testament also chronicles powerful women and their influence:
“And some of them were persuaded and joined Paul and Silas, along with a large number of the GOD-fearing Greeks and a number of the leading women.” – Acts 17:4
“Now [Philip the evangelist] had four virgin daughters who were prophetesses.” – Acts 21:9
We have the opportunity to prepare great men leaders for future generations of political power so that the Conservative women won’t have to step up to bat in their stead, but until then, be gracious. If you have a bone to pick with women leaders, Nancy Pelosi should be your target. She’s the grueling leader of the “monstrous regiment” that people keep heralding, not Sarah Palin.
Sarah Palin is not your wife or daughter, and thus you have no authority to judge her personal decisions. As a voter you may judge her ideology, World View and political decisions, but not personal ones.
If you run for any office, it is the duty of the voters to judge every facet of the candidates’ life before giving them your support and voting for them.
Phony personal judgments undeniably entered into this Presidential Election; i.e., the comments regarding her eldest daughter. On this train of thought, Bristol Palin is neither your daughter nor your betrothed, so you have no authority to judge her life either. I am not saying that immoral decisions should be accepted as OK or repeated – no, not at all. But you must remember where your authority lies regarding the judgment of someone else’s personal life. It isn’t our job to condemn souls.
Personally, my greatest problem with Sarah Palin is the fact that she has 6 kids, all at home, ranging from the ages of 17 to under 1 year old. The youngest is mentally retarded. I think that Sarah Palin has a biblical call and duty to take care of her family first, not run off to try and run the country. Take a look at Proverbs 31, the woman described therein takes care of her family before things outside the home. I have seen a lot of debate over Mrs. Palin, ranging from the position that she is a modern-day Deborah/Esther, to the position that I outlined above, to totally trashing her. I would consider her more seriously if she had already raised her children, but running off to run the country when you have a higher call to raise your children first is, in my opinion, a very valid point not to vote for McCain/Palin. It would also be a different case if her children were at least all in their teen years, but when you have children under the age of 10, especially one that will require more care than a non-mentally disabled child would, I view this as another valid reason that I would not vote for McCain. I am not saying that a woman can never hold a public office; I am saying that she has a Higher calling to her family first.
6. It reveals a Spiritual and mental weakness of discernment in the fields of political judgment and investing time and money; naïvete regarding world events; along with an idle ego.
A Third-party candidate may be wonderful in his own way, but if he is bearing no political and governmental fruit, what value is he as a leader and why do you waste your time supporting him?
Well then, show me what fruit, political or otherwise, that President Bush has produced, especially with a Republican Congress? NOTHING!
That is idleness and wasteful spending. Furthermore, it is damaging to the results of the Presidential Election. You know that your vote bears weight, and a CLOWNS vote will only benefit Obama/Biden. You and your agenda will be forgotten about and you will gradually become irrelevant. Once again, that’s exactly what the enemy wants to happen to you, and you are letting him have his way.
“And do not give the devil an opportunity.” – Ephesians 4:27
A President must be selected based on his political fruit. Senator John McCain has showed positive political fruit. He is pro-life and he is a Constitutionalist.
John McCain is neither pro-life or a constitutionalist. See the facts outlined in my opening statements.
CLOWNS vote candidates have displayed very little – if any – positive political fruit (and the same can be said about the Liberal Democrat opponents). The CLOWNS vote is idle, and idleness is the devil’s workshop. The CLOWNS vote has done as little work as possible to avoid “tainting” themselves and have thus attempted to prove by a meager wink and a promise that they are the ones for the job. The jib-jab type satirical ads mocking Bush, Clinton, McCain and Obama on The Constitution Party candidates’ website are very unprofessional and unpresidential for serious Presidential and Vice Presidential contenders to flaunt, which further exposes their illegitimacy. They claim to be like one of the Founding Fathers running for President and boast about having no flip-flopping record (*ahem* they barely have any – if they do have any – political record at all). That is even worse than the windy naïve Obama! Now that’s something to be very embarrassed about. Be ashamed. Be very ashamed.
“In all labor there is profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.” – Proverbs 14:23
“The naïve believes everything, but the sensible man considers his steps.” – Proverbs 14:15
The CLOWNS are obviously just as confused as the Socialists. They do not understand the high stakes of appointing Supreme Court Justices (need I remind you that they are appointed for life?).
John McCain voted yes to Justices’ Ginsburg, Breyer, and Souter’s appointments, who are all liberals. Souter is termed a conservative, but has voted no to overturning abortion laws consistently. I am well aware of the fact that Supreme Court Justices are appointed for life, and that is one of the reasons I would not vote for McCain!
They do not understand the high stakes of the Economy and the cause of the financial crisis.
If you’d like, you could look at the blog post that I wrote on McCain’s woeful lack of understanding on the economy, and the cause of the financial crises. It was the third post that I wrote, and was titled “What?!?” (My blog:
They do not understand the high stakes of the War on Terrorism and the enemies that have their hearts and minds set on slaughtering us…and how jubilant they would be to see a Socialist President of the United States of America.
The idea of keeping yourself untainted by avoiding voting for McCain-Palin is akin to the following parable written by my mother:
“Folks, this is like knowing that a murder or robbery is going to take place, and instead of calling the police to stop it, you go to your church and start a petition all agreeing that it is a bad thing to murder or rob a bank, and coming back a week later to present your petition from the godly people condemning murder and robbery to the community, after the death and destruction has taken place. You take the “high road” without getting your hands dirty because you didn’t want to get involved in the process that could have stopped the evil deeds. And thus, the mis-directed action results in more evil abounding.”
“There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” – Proverbs 14:12
Ultimately, while the rest of us are voting on principle, CLOWNS are voting on liberal propaganda (“John McCain did…blahblahblah!”). While the rest of us are voting on values, CLOWNS are voting on sex (“Sarah Palin is blasphemous!”). While the rest of us are voting on common sense, CLOWNS are voting on conspiracy (“Republicans and Democrats want to take over the world! We’re all gonna die!”). CLOWNS may very well be doing it with hearty intentions out of conscience and in faith, but to actually accomplish anything, you need to get a reality check and vote sensibly.
So now we must answer honestly: Regardless of which candidate you will vote for, which candidate do you want to see as your President for the next four years – McCain or Obama? The result will only be one or the other of those two. Now, CLOWNS, since you still have time to influence who that President will be, toss aside your self-righteousness, your idle ego, and all things silly. Find some real principles to vote on!
You keep on saying that. I do not think that means what you think it means…
Now, after this article, I would like to issue a statement. I believe that it is time that we as Christians stand up to the Republican Party, and issue a statement by voting against them. This statement is as follows: We, Christians of the United States of America, are sick and tired of the unChristian shlock that the Republican Party gives us to vote for every year. Furthermore, we are committed to NOT supporting said party until they decide to turn their hearts to the Lord, and show true Christianity, not just in lip service, as President Bush and John McCain do, but in their political history and careers, as well as in their personal lives. May God help us and these men, and may God bless America.
Help You!
It seems that the “common sense” you’re advocating is only “sense” if it fits your narrow definition and only “common” to those who would like one of your candidates to govern.
Your main points are riddled with logical fallacies. You’ve drug your scripture references “kicking and screaming” out of their intended context.
Glad you gave our homeschool kids a case study in how not to make a point.
I could not have said it better myself. I wrote Vision Forum a letter concerning this matter and of course received NO RESPONSE!!!! Don’t get me wrong, I respect this organization except on this matter. Thank you for being brave !! They have no idea what is coming if Obama gets in office!
Blessings , ilene
When you say: “I have invested so many prayers in President Bush since I was a 10 year old child that it deeply hurts me to hear people condemn him.” What I hear is that when anyone points out certain facts about what Bush has done with your vote over the last 8 years, you can’t bear to hear you made a poor choice and that the Republicans used you. But let’s simply look at the fruit Bush has wrought, shall we??? I wouldn’t call what he has produced “fruit.” It smells more like rotten fish and festering sores, and it’s getting worse by the minute. Face it: The Republicans lied to get your vote. They said they were Christians, but nothing about this government seems to reflect anything I know of Christ. John McCain is bound to give you more of the same. I truly do believe he is being dishonest about his Christian beliefs, hence the need for Sarah Palin. (But Ms. Palin is not running for President, is she?) John McCain simply wants to be President, and he’ll say anything to get elected. We’ve had mostly Republican Presidents for the last 30 years, and if you hadn’t noticed, they haven’t overturned Roe V. Wade. But they have surely helped the rich to get richer.
“More of the same”? That is liberal propaganda!
No, I do not regret Bush’s Presidency (by the way, I didn’t vote in Election 2000). Do you think that Gore would have been a better President?
President Bush has appointed Conservative Supreme Court Justices. That is good political fruit (by the way, I updated my Dispelling The Top 7 Myths Of Election 2008 post and explained the Sanctity of Life bill debate).
President Bush has done the best he can do in the midst of some terrible situations. I’m not just saying that – he isn’t perfect either, but I never expected him to be. However, even despite September 11th and the subsequent war, the government has still derived 20% more revenue under Bush’s Presidency than under Clinton’s Presidency. The economy grew 19% more under Bush than under Clinton! That is because Bush has made wise decisions regarding tax cuts, and McCain understands the wisdom of cutting taxes to increase economic growth as well. That is good political fruit.
The economic crisis taking place now came about as a result of Democrats implementing Socialist ideas to “spread the wealth around” – they offered subprime loans to people that could never afford to pay back and thus caused a big national debt (now THAT is rotten political fruit – and Obama earned more money from the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac scandal than any other member of Congress – and just take a look at his liberal advisors!).
You have got to remember that with a bunch of liberal jokers in Congress it is very, very, very, very, difficult to accomplish ANYTHING positive. The Republicans’ chief fault is in not standing up to the Democrats enough – they try too hard to be gentlemanly, I suppose. But then some foolish voters threw a lot of them out and stuck more Democrats in there (to teach the Republicans a lesson??? Oh, that was REAL smart…). But that better change soon if we get some mavericks in there to shake things up! The LORD is preparing to realign our government!
All of the arguments that I have seen thus far against a McCain/Palin administration reflect a poor understanding of government. Please, all of you need to stop making such rash statements because you evidently don’t know what is going on.
Ummm, actually, as a serious student of American Government, I have a hard time believing that you A. research any of your statements, especially on what is Constitutional, and B. know a lot about the issues that are being discussed.
I must give you credit, you would make a good lawyer. You did a great job ignoring all of the key points and facts that I presented, and still rushing to your earlier fallacy-laden conclusions. As my Dad put it, “She’s a girl that doesn’t let the facts get in the way of a good argument!”
All the arguments that I have seen you present FOR McCain/Palin reflect a poor understanding of American Government. You have done a very poor job defending McCain on the unChristian things he has done, and still refuse to admit that maybe, just maybe, those who would vote third party are not raving ignorant imbeciles, and actually just honestly are looking At McCain’s political fruit and saying “Ummm, this is not a guy we want to support.” My pastor put it quite well the other day. He said “No matter who wins this election, GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL!” Most of the “Lesser of two evils” voters tend to strike me as scared, and not see this very clearly. I have faith in God that He will bring us through a tough time, and possibly, just possibly, He is judging this nation through Obama (or McCain!) for their blatant apostasy.
I posted a comment responding to your comments on my blog.
How in the world do you have time to write all this? I’m a full-time college student, part time farmhand, church violinist, and woodsplitter, and consequentially do not have as much time as I would like to devote to this debate. However, I must thank you. You gave me an excellent example of how not to write to those that you think are wrong. You also gave me a medium to convey my analysis of the political scene to those that I know, and helped me to expose much of the lies that people believe about John McCain.
Sola Deo Gloria!
The only “facts” (I put in quotes because some of them are embellishments or misinformation) you focus on are within McCain’s voting record – which isn’t perfect, of course, but you will not understand any politician’s voting record unless you study the details. You probably get your info on McCain from Baldwin, and of course Baldwin will put out negative stuff about McCain because Baldwin is campaigning against him in this Election.
Ah, but notice: You can’t compare McCain’s voting record with Baldwin’s voting record because Baldwin has got no voting record. So, how do you know if Baldwin really would make a great political leader?
Amanda, You do have quite the debate going on here. I find it interesting that Obama voters know McCain’s voting record, I guess they have to since Obama’s is as non-existent as his Birth Certificate.
To Your Jewish writer I would ask what do you say about teh man who does these things???, Amos 5:7-15 You who turn justice into bitterness and cast righteousness to the ground (he who made the Pleiades and Orion, who turns blackness into dawn and darkens day into night, who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out over the face of the land– the Lord is his name– he flashes destruction on the stronghold and brings the fortified city to ruin), 1 you hate the one who reproves in court and despise him who tells the truth. You trample on the poor and force him to give you grain. Therefore, though you have built stone mansions, you will not live in them; though you have planted lush vineyards, you will not drink their wine. For I know how many are your offenses and how great your sins. Therefore the prudent man keeps quiet in such times, for the times are evil.
And yet does not do this??? Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Perhaps the Lord God Almighty will have mercy on the remnant of Joseph.
The courts must be protected and Obama has sided even with the liberal San Fracisco court that has violated the will and teh vote of the people. Such a man can not be trusted.
Proverbs 31:8-9 8 “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. 9 Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
Obama will not stand up for those who cannot speak for themself, nor will he give Israel his respect, Like McCain will.
And when all is said and done in nine days, the most important thing we can do is pray for those in positions of authority, acknowledge that Adonai has place them there and seek to bring Shalom to this country that is as divided as day and night.
There is a reason this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, they go together and are not radically opposed to one another.
I think you are missing my point. My point is that I can’t vote for McCain because of his view on abortion. In fact, if there was only two candidates to choose from I couldn’t vote. I will not vote for someone that believes in abortion of any form. IT WON’T HAPPEN.
And as for David, I see your point, but please remember that when he was anointed he didn’t have any experience. He could of failed or succeeded in his future events and it wouldn’t of mattered. He was anointed king. His belief in God and his biblical views is what made him a great man and a good king. It was not his life experiences. I truly think if he was stuck on the thrown as a young boy he would of succeeded because he loved God so much. Just as Josiah did. This is why I can have peace about choosing someone to vote for just because I know what they stand for.
I can’t know McCain’s heart but I can know that his “fruits” are not godly. Yes, better that Obama… but not godly.
GOD has appointed everyone for their purpose even before they were born – and HE knows what we will do before we do it, so GOD appointing a leader is a completely different scenario from people electing a leader.
We are responsible for electing our leaders through voting, and we do not have the infinite wisdom and knowledge that GOD has, so thus we cannot choose a leader without evaluating his decision making skills by watching him get tested in office.
You can’t say that McCain hasn’t shown any postive fruit in his political career. He is not perfect, but he does have positive things in his record.
Do you know of any political leader that you can bring yourself to call “godly” that has actually accomplished something?
Just as an ending to the fascinating yet unfortunate Election 2008 debacle, I want to make sure that everyone understands that “The Suitor Evaluation” was a satire.
The definition of satire according to Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary:
[Fr. satire, Sp. L. satira; so named from sharpness, pungency. See Satyriasis]
1. A discourse or poem in which wickedness or folly is exposed with severity. It differs from lampoon and pasquinade, in being general rather than personal.
2. Severity of remark. It differs from sarcasm, in not expressing contempt or scorn.
I saw something in society that I perceived to be a folly of human nature and sought to expose it severely through humor, which usually garners more attention than dry dissertation.
You need a sense of humor and a grasp of current events to understand what it meant. In a conversation with an older godly woman friend of mine visiting recently, I realized that this was the catch – she and quite a few other readers recognized the satirical nature of the post and its comedic study of current politics.
Others, however, didn’t understand how Sincerely Amanda could possibly attempt to make a sincere point through satire. 😉
I really liked the way they came off