by Amanda Read Sheik | Jun 30, 2012 | Comedy, Politics, Satire, The Washington Times Communities
As a writer I have always taken Jesus Christ’s admonition about words with exceptional seriousness: “But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be...
by Amanda Read Sheik | Mar 7, 2012 | Politics, Satire, The Washington Times Communities, World Views
This week I wrote an article titled “Satire and Sandra Fluke: Was Rush Limbaugh really wrong?”. It stirred up quite a discussion on an already hot topic. As a supplement to it, I wrote the following explanatory comment on satire at the suggestion of my...
by Amanda Read Sheik | May 24, 2011 | Comedy, In Otherwords, Politics, Satire, The Washington Times Communities
As the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have just returned from renting a private island in the Seychelles for their honeymoon (and finally met President “smart alec” Obama), the Royal Wedding news has cooled somewhat. But hither and yon bits and pieces...
by Amanda Read Sheik | Mar 16, 2010 | Comedy, Satire, World Views
…Asteroids, asteroids, we all fall down. “Evolution is so ‘out there’ that it’s on its way out,” a friend told me. She had many reasons to conclude that it is irrational of some scientists to proclaim that macroevolution is fact. ...
by Amanda Read Sheik | Mar 9, 2010 | Comedy, Satire, World Views
After all, when in doubt, blame an asteroid. No other disaster will do. When I was a child I once acquired a mainstream “educational” coloring book about dinosaurs. The last page in the book featured two parrots with the caption, “This is what...
by Amanda Read Sheik | Feb 14, 2010 | Comedy, Latitude 821, Satire
When will you get married? Somebody needs to answer the question for the romantically absorbed singles! “I’m going to be betrothed,” I said in one way or another, with complete confidence overshadowing my ten year old social consciousness. Rachel, who was three years...