My e-book, Keeping The Family Flock: A Primer On Raising Chickens is now available at the Fair Hills Farm Bookstore! You will also see the “Buy Now” button on my sidebar.
“This book was written with the goal of providing its readers with an introduction to the wholesome benefits and challenges of keeping chickens as a family project. In the following pages homeschool graduate, Amanda Read, explains the basics of raising chickens from years of personal experience. 33 pages.“
Chapters include, “Where Shall I Begin?”, “Brooding Chicks”, “The Coop”, “Feeding The Flock”, “Harvesting The Farm Eggs”, “Chicken Remedies”, “Chickens With Other Animals”, “Moving With Chickens”, “What Should I Work Towards?”, “Chicken Breeding”, “Chicken Breeds”, “Chicken Brains”, “Chicken Behavior”, and an Appendix with charts, links and resources for the family flock.
Hopefully we will have more books and seminars available soon.
This looks like a wonderful book. We live in the city just now but our children would love to live in the country and raise our own chickens.
Congratulations on the book! I hope it is a success for you :)It looks great!
RYC: It has to be about the commercialism of Christmas. Do Christmas songs make you want to buy more? If so then the earlier they are on the more sales 😛
Oh yes, I’ll be sure to let you write the screen play. Only thing is I have to finish the book first. Lol!
Merry Christmas, God Bless,
Greetings Amanda,
What a fun book…. I love raising chickens. Although right now we are just trying to keep our flock from freezing…poor things, we have lots of snow and ice so thier water buckets freeze real fast etc… I raise ducks also and they seem to do better in the snow, but they are rather upset thier ponds are frozen. 🙂 This spring I’m planning on getting some Bantam ducks…so cute!
I really enjoy snow actually, but not when our power goes out because of it. But right now our woods and house is all coverd in a huge blanket of whiteness… 😉
Well, I’m off to go do some sewing on a new costume. I hope you are having a nice day and enjoying your winter weather.
Merry Christmas!