There are times when plans that have been long held as ideals become resolved.  Today was one such time; yesterday was its prequel.

The new chicken coop – or  barn, rather, as we enjoy calling it – arrived yesterday. 

Chicken barn/coop front - beforeChicken barn/coop - side angle - beforeChicken barn/coop - back (window) - before

Mom and I spent the rest of the day painting and staining it until it became a masterpiece.  Its color palette is a fine representative of our farm colors.

Chicken barn/coop - front - after

Chicken barn/coop - side angle - after

Chicken barn/coop - back (window) - after

But the energetic, long-suffering 5 week old chicks ought to be the most grateful.  Until today, they spent the majority of their time in a stuffy brooder which was too short for them to flap around in.  One bale of straw covered the entire floor of this 8′ x 8′ building, thus resulting in a comfy, deep bedding.

Dominique chicks - thrilled!

Elizabeth Linda playing with the chicks, not surprisingly.  She stars in many photos.

Beth playing with the chicks.

In this video you might notice that my hand is dotted with dark wood stain – Rachel told me I looked like a giraffe after all the painting and staining was done.


We are scheduled to another Noccalula Falls Easter picnic – pardon me, I should have said FirstFruits picnic.  The term "Easter" has nothing to do with CHRIST.  Rather, it alludes to the name of the Babylonian goddess of fertility, "Ishtar".  The celebration of fertility (involving bunnies and egg hunts) is a tradition that the Israelites adopted while in Babylonian captivity.  The original celebration of JESUS’s Resurrection ought to be given the Biblical title, "Feast of FirstFruits" {1 Corinthians 15:20}.

Culture has an odd way of impacting the Church, however.  Old habits die hard.

Premier 1 Fencing

Portable poultry fencing from Premier 1.  Ah, well.  Until we get the ideal board fence.





Thursday, April 5, 2007 – Untitled Comment

Posted by DancingFeet
Hi Amanda,
I’m sure the chickens are enjoying their “barn”. We had chickens a couple of times, but they all died…the second batch died without ever laying any eggs! Oh well….chickens aren’t my favorite animal by any means. lol
Hope you have a great weekend!
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Thursday, April 5, 2007 – Untitled Comment

Posted by Jocelyndixon
The new coop looks wonderful! Very nice! We are going to get chcikens/ducks soon too!

Yes, I use paint. Well I don’t know if you call it shortcut but for resizing pictures I use the stretch/skew. I just use the vertical/horizontal and de/increase the picture. That usually works pretty well.

If you ever need any webdesign help, LMK!
And I checked out your hsb2 blog… and added you to my friends!

That’s pretty neat that you came up as an Andalusian! though I am not suprised we are the same!

Miss Jocelyn
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Sunday, April 8, 2007 – Untitled Comment

Posted by DarthYxpu
Alright, great!

I think I have a few ads already made that fit those sizes.
You can choose the one you’d like here:

Well it depends. When the resolution is set to 1024×768 (which is standard for most computer screens) you have to scroll horizontally. But I leave my screen resolution at 1280×1024. And it looks fine on my computer.
I hope you’re able to fix it.


P.S. Cool chicken coop!

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