I had my 17th birthday yesterday. I had a very enjoyable little party with my family. Grandmomma and Granddaddy came for supper. They gave me a pretty gold colored jacket and crocheted beret. I also received a lovely scented candle from Mom.
To our surprise, the new chick brooder arrived yesterday afternoon. Abigail, Mary and I began assembling it. It’s very nice and big – and can hold up to 48 chicks for about 3-4 weeks. As for the chicks themselves, we ordered 23 pullets (young hens) and 2 cockerels (young roosters) from McMurray Hatchery. We are also receiving a free exotic chick…we have no idea what it will turn out to be! It should be quite interesting. They will arrive in the week of February 13th.
Well, my birthday yesterday was quite eventful. It featured the State of the Union Address, the Academy Awards nominations (if anyone happens to care…haha), and the birth of our friends, the Maltasses’ newest baby boy, Israel Antonio Conrad (someone that actually has the same birthday as me!).
I plan on making a post about the 200th birthday celebration of General Robert E. Lee that Dad, Rachel, Abigail and I attended as soon as I get some photos/videos downloaded.
I have delayed making a new blog post recently because of some tragic news from Uganda we received. The 16 year old missionary daughter, Talitha, died of malaria. We were surprised to hear that, as we thought she was recovering. I wasn’t sure how to write that news on my blog right away. Grace returned to the States with the family yesterday. We need to keep them all in prayer during this very sorrowful and trying time.
I pray that I will make excellent use of this 17th year THE LORD is giving me.
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Thursday, January 25, 2007 – Untitled Comment
Posted by Jocelyndixon
I am SO SORRY! I didn’t wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Will you forgive me?? 😉
I hope you had a wonderful day! God Bless!!!
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Saturday, January 27, 2007 – Untitled Comment
Posted by PinkFlamingo
Hello Amanda. Happy late birthday! I’m glad you had a good day. What terrible news about the young girl who died. That is so sad.
That will be interesting to see what your “exotic chick” turns out to be! My family used to have chickens but they all died. My mom was just saying this morning that she would like to have some more, but we don’t really have a good place to keep them. Not enough sun.
Have a good rest-of-the-weekend! ~Ashley
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Wednesday, February 7, 2007 – Untitled Comment
Posted by walkbyfaith
Do you want to be friends?
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Saturday, February 10, 2007 – Hi
Posted by walkbyfaith
Since your on HSB, I’m going to guess you that you homeschool. What curriculum do you use? I used BJUP for everything except science. For that I use Apolgia.