That’s what we’ve heard a lot of around here as of late. It is an incredible moment as a writer to see the characters one has dreamed up and created come to life. There they are!

Part of the cast and crew: Samuel Thrasher, Nate Jacobson, Leona Worcester, Kaiser Johnson, Madam Screenwriter/Assistant Director Amanda Read, Ted M.W. Rich, Bryant Grizzell, and Mr. Director Matthew Perdie.
View more photographs on our Facebook page, and check out the cast and crew run down on our IMDb page. I am overwhelmed by the talent and gems of this production that I can’t wait to share. I’ll have to release these things over time in bite-sized increments to keep from freezing up your computer screens!

Stacey Bradshaw, Nate Jacobson, Matthew Perdie and Amanda Read. Stacey plays the role of Sincerity Newton in Romans XIII, and Nate plays the role of Jason Fillmore. Stacey is also acting in co-star Nate Jacobson’s upcoming film, Wanted.
Matthew and I have been dubbed on set “Mr. Director” and “Madam Assistant Director” (although I’m more often called Madam Screenwriter). Like my sister Rachel (our “Madam Composer”) observed, everybody involved in a production like this becomes part of a big family – in our case, one that is an exciting blend of old and new friends and talent of varying experience. This project has been absolutely, hilariously, bittersweetly, and Providentially glorious. Despite being attacked with every measure of difficulty (including bad weather and illness among cast and crew), we are prevailing by the grace of God. Some things have worked out more beautifully than I could have planned.
Matthew and I will also be working a film gig at CPAC early next month.
As far as column writing is concerned, I was recently invited to become a contributor to Brenner Brief News. Follow my writing there, and you’ll likely find a lot about this (yet another productive filming project thanks to my skillful Mr. Director)…