by Amanda Read Sheik | Feb 23, 2010 | Luke Historians, World Views
I’m not sure why that title came to my mind. I suppose it’s just another one of my tributes to the downright stiff-necked mankind’s attempts at knowledge continuing to pale in contrast to the Bible. Not everybody realizes that faith can be...
by Amanda Read Sheik | Jan 17, 2010 | Luke Historians, World Views
3000-2000 B.C. – Job exclaims how badly he wants his words written in a book – with an iron stylus and lead, to be specific (Job19:23). 1600-1400 B.C. – The Book of the Wars of the LORD is referenced (Numbers 21:14). 1525-1405 B.C. – Moses...
by Amanda Read Sheik | Jan 1, 2010 | Luke Historians, World Views
We could spend our entire lifetimes drinking in the evidence for the creative GOD of the Bible within the finite basin of our universe and still never find it dry – the fingerprint of an infinite Designer, no doubt! Are you not impressed by the design of the...
by Amanda Read Sheik | Jun 18, 2008 | World Views
(The following is the last post I made on my HSB blog – I’m transferring it here for reference.) I want to present a challenging question to all bloggers. The following is a post that I began writing several months ago, but I didn’t decide to post...
by Amanda Read Sheik | Apr 21, 2008 | Literary Projects
It is amazing to me that sometimes I can be so busy and yet not seem to be doing much of anything. I’m always doing something, of course, but perhaps after I get so immersed in a project, it seems to become less of an accomplishment. That must be why we ought...