February Unfolds

February is showing itself to be quite an eventful month! It is also a leap year, remember. Apparently every Presidential Election year happens to be a leap year (every four years). Some friends visited yesterday. Next weekend John Y. is returning from Denver for a...

The Increase Of Our Flocks

Around 7:00 antemeridiem yesterday Dad received the familiar call from the Post Office – our chicks had arrived! He dropped Rachel and I off briefly at the back door of the Post Office, where we had been instructed by the workers to "ring the...

My Seventeenth Year

I had my 17th birthday yesterday. I had a very enjoyable little party with my family. Grandmomma and Granddaddy came for supper. They gave me a pretty gold colored jacket and crocheted beret. I also received a lovely scented candle from Mom. To our surprise, the new...