I haven’t much time to spare at this present moment. I probably will not have much to spare for the remainder of this month. Or this upcoming season…or the rest of this year! But I will probably be partial and generous to my blog regardless.
Our chicks are arriving next week. That gives us roughly 6 weeks to build a larger coop and fence in the pasture. We are also planning on fencing in the garden and doing some more landscaping. Cleaning out the garage has been a project in itself, as we certainly have plenty to get rid of, and we would like to build a guest house in the garage someday in the near future, if GOD provides for it.
After home church yesterday we had a nice outing to the football field (David loves football – he is very speedy with the ball, though he is so tiny on the vast playing field that he almost resembles a running helmet with legs). We later dropped by at our Grandparents’ house for coffee and conversation.
The weather went through a sharp cold spell recently, but today it felt like Spring!
I must now turn my attentions to other pursuits.
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Monday, February 12, 2007 – Hi
Posted by walkbyfaith
I don’t really have time to blog either, but I still do. π
I just love Apologia! They are so self explainatory. π
Do you know of any great foriegn language curriculum?
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Thursday, February 15, 2007 – Hello
Posted by Jocelyndixon
I wish you would’ve come to the dance… It would have been so fun! You can come to the one in Oct… it won’t be too far!
I’m glad you got to post. I have missed you!!
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Sunday, February 18, 2007 – a note from Rose
Posted by Rose
I hope you are having a good day!
come read my newest post: St Valentines Day
I know I haven’t been on in a while. I will hopefully post a more recent post shortly.
Love to hear from you,
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Monday, February 19, 2007 – Untitled Comment
Posted by TheLordsDaughter
I wanted to comment when I was here before, but I could not. Thank you for the comment. I really like your blog!
Your Sister in Christ,
Rebekah ~ The Lord’s Daughter
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007 – Untitled Comment
Posted by SouthernBelle
Hey Amanda! Your blog is so pretty. π
Actually… I used to be Queen of Hearts, but had to change blogs and this is what I’ve got now. π I’ve just never had the time to go around my friend’s list and tell them about the change. So you can knock Queenofhearts off your friends list now, since I won’t be using that username anymore. π
Yes, I live on a ranch. It’s 8 acres, which seems a little small, but it’s really perfect for what we do on it. There’s just enough room for the cows, chickens and turkeys, plus a few dogs. π
Hope to see you around soon!
Much love,