Before July Ends…

The month is nearly over, so I really ought to make another post. Since I’m behind on photos, I’ll include some. Here is my class ring: {Photography by Abigail} Here is the landscape painting I completed recently: We ordered notecards with this painting...

The Chicks Have Hatched!

Do read about it at!  It is so sweet to watch a mother hen raise her chicks. In case I don’t have time to explain later…I am transferring my blog to a wordpress on some hosting that we own.  You will know when it has been...

Frolicking At Fair Hills Farm

The chicks were let out for the first time at two weeks of age (we had to wait for the weather conditions to be right).  Below are photos and videos of their first two outings.  We have also begun construction on the new chicken coop.  It is going to...

The Increase Of Our Flocks

Around 7:00 antemeridiem yesterday Dad received the familiar call from the Post Office – our chicks had arrived! He dropped Rachel and I off briefly at the back door of the Post Office, where we had been instructed by the workers to "ring the...