by Amanda Read Sheik | Oct 11, 2007 | World Views
Recently I saw an online article about intellectuals disputing the authorship of Shakespeare’s writings. They said that Shakespeare, “being a provincial lad”, could not have possibly written such excellent dramas regarding law, politics, philosophy,...
by Amanda Read Sheik | Feb 28, 2007 | Fair Hills Farm, Journal, Literary Projects, The Girlhood Home Companion
Progress has three phases with me right now. Progress that has been made, progress that is being made and progress that must be made. The hens are laying again (we had eggs for breakfast this morning!), our 19 chicks are thriving (7 others died suddenly awhile...
by Amanda Read Sheik | Dec 2, 2006 | Journal
I spent this day in planning my goals for the remainder of this year. I have put the pressure on myself to work harder on my other school subjects by forming a new daily schedule (yes, one of those again). I really have nothing to complain about or dilly-dally on. I...